Nikoleta tsitsoli 250

To what extent does the EU Green Deal affect Greece?

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By Nikoleta Tsitsoli*, MA student in International Political Economy at the University of Groningen


Contemporary challenges such as climate change, the Russian-Ukrainian war and environmental degradation threaten the existence of Europe and the world in general. How can these challenges be addressed? By the EU Green Deal which aims to transform Europe into a modern, resource-efficient, and competitive economy (Union 2022). The initiatives ensured by this action are net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, economic growth that is not related to the use of resources, and no one around the world is left behind (Union 2022). Also, the green European deal is a dead end from the COVID-19 pandemic. This is because a third of the €1.8 trillion investment from the Next Generation EU recovery plan and the seven-year EU budget will finance the EU Green Deal. As the timetable of the EU Green Agreement shows, as early as December 2021, efforts have been made to implement the plan until today and also in the future.

*This research paper was written during the author’s internship at KEDISA (1 July 2022-30 September 2022) as partial fulfilment of her postgraduate degree in Intenational Political Economy at the University of Groningen.


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