George X. Protopapas, International Relations Expert and Executive Director of KEDISA participated as speaker in the international KIEL SEAPOWER SYMPOSIUM 2017 – “Seapower in the Eastern Mediterranean” discussing the maritime security challenges in the Eastern Mediterranean.
Mr. Protopapas gave a speech with the title “Τhe new geopolitics and Greek perspective in the Eastern Mediterranean’. He analyzed the strategies of Russia, Iran and Turkey and focused in Greek foreign policy and the bilateral relations with littoral states of the Eastern Mediterranean, especially Turkey. Mr. Protopapas concluded that Greece a traditional maritime nation could play an important role to the stabilisation of the region. The US and EU should reconsider the position of Greece in the Eastern Mediterranean and to realise that the problematic Turkey provokes only tensions. Greece and Cyprus require assistance.
The KIEL SEAPOWER SYMPOSIUM 2017 co-organized from the Institute for Security Policy at Kiel University (ISPK) and the CNA Strategic Studies (US). The international symposium took place on Tuesday, 21 June 2017 in Hotel Kieler Yacht Club, Kiel (Germany).
In the KIEL SEAPOWER SYMPOSIUM 2017 participated as co-speakers former admirals, professors and experts from the Royal United Services Institution (UK), the US Department of the Navy, the CNA Strategic Studies (US), the U.S. Department of Defense, the University of Reading (UK), the NATO HQ, the Haifa Research Center for Maritime Strategy (Israel), the Institute for Security Policy at Kiel University (ISPK) and Kadir Has University (Turkey). One of the prominent speakers was Dr. James H. Bergeron NATO Allied Maritime Command. The opening Keynote was held by U.S. Ambassador (ret.) Robert Ford, Middle East Institute, Washington, D.C.